Monday, January 08, 2007

Time for the government to admit their mistake.

Spent Saturday back on the canvas, which was my first day back after the holidays. My fellow Labour Councillor Anne Phelan joined me on the canvas in the village of Goresbridge. Goresbridge is within the local election area which both Anne and I represent. We both take pride in the fact that the Labour Party has the highest number of councillors in this area.

The main issue on the doors steps in Goresbridge was the closure of the local secondary school, St. Brigid's, a few years back. The local parents to their credit ran a very positive campaign to save the school and are now being proven correct in the fact that the school was needed. The schools in the surrounding areas are reaching full capacity and there is a need to cater for the increase numbers over the next few years. I am glad to say that both Anne and I were very strong in support for keeping the school open. However the Department of Education and government TD’s from the area did not listen to the people, invest in the school and keep it open.

Frankly, to this day I cannot see any sense in closing a great school like St. Brigid’s. It is quite clear to me as well as everyone in the local area that a school now needs to be rebuilt in Goresbridge. Needless to say government TD’s will be falling over each other offering to lobby on the matter closer to the election.

It is time for the government and the department to admit they were wrong and start the plans to reopen the school; of course they will in the process waste millions replacing the school they closed in the first place. Not that wasting hard working families tax money matters to this government, wasting money is something they are very good at.

1 comment:

Gar U. Luss. said...

Mike, one of the most widespread crimes in Ireland is THEFT. We've had a bishop who left Euro 70,000 "resting in his account" as Fr. Ted put it, and an ex Taoiseach who helped himself to the money left in someone else's poorbox, and almost every week, we hear of employers refusing to pay the minimum wage, the law of the land!!!, and "forgetting" to pay PRSI. Yet, we are periodically treated to news reports of women with children, living in poor circumstances, being prosecuted to the full rigours of our law, for minor shoplifting offences. Employers who make illegal deductions from wages, pay under the minimum wage, or don't pay PRSI are THIEVES!!! Why isn't the Labour Party shouting from the rooftops about this???