Sunday, November 12, 2006

John V Hillary

Took some time off the campaign trail this week to follow the election results in the USA. I was glad to see the Democrats came out the clear winners; hopefully President Bush will listen to the election results and review his national and international policies.

I was very interested to see John McCain express his intent to try and seek the Republican nomination to replace President Bush. The race to replace Bush is going to be very interesting. With Hillary Clinton making noises that she will seek the Democrat nomination, there will be fun times ahead. The most interesting race should be for the Democrat nomination and I believe Senator John Edwards will certainly strongly challenge Hillary., John Edwards site

Fun time ahead for all in politics, as the Chinese say, “may you live in interesting times”


Seán Ó hArgáin said...

Think this election will be fascinating Mike but my own favourite candidate is Barack Obama, a recent addition as Senator for Illinois. I've blogged him at
Also don't rule out a comeback by Al Gore from whom Katherine Harris stole the Presidency in 1999.

Gar U. Luss. said...

NAAAAAAAH!!!! Back Hil for two terms, and Barack is SURE to replace her. She deserves it, after Bill's misadventures, and we Irish owe the Clintons BIGTIME. In eight years time, Barack will be unstoppable. Let's all of us Social Democrats get right behind Hil.